Sunday, May 16, 2010

World Wide SketchCrawl - Georgetown

Georgetown, just south of downtown Seattle offers a lot of subjects for sketchers to draw. I always enjoy the gatherings of sketching groups in town (Seattle Plein Air, Urban Sketchers, SketchCrawl and Sketch Pistols). Lunch was had at Jules Maes Saloon, after which everyone passed around the mornings creativity for the group to enjoy and learn from.

Lect's Soup Stop

This tiny walk up soup place with a stock pot on the roof, sits just off Airport Way in an industrial area of Georgetown. At first I thought it must be difficult (because of it's location) to be successful, but as I sat across the street to draw it, car after car pulled up to pick up phone in orders. Obviously the food must be good, is this where the Soup Nazi (Seinfeld) ended up?

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