Thursday, December 30, 2010

Pacific Science Center

On a rare driving trip into Seattle (we were a large group) with family to see the Harry Potter Exhibit at the Pacific Science Center. The show was pretty slick, though as I noted, would have been too expensive (for what you experienced) if paying the non-member price. We got there an hour early which gave me time to sketch in the warmth of one of the other exhibits.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Urban Sketch Gathering - December

Pacific Place was decked out for the holiday season, they also had a fundraiser going on where artists embellished the Nutcracker theme with the large pieces to be sold at auction. The sketch above is of Jimmy H the nutcracker (I didn't check to see who the artist was).

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

2010 Ryan Christmas Card

Since my wife, 81 year old father and I are gymrats and get together every week to play hoops, this seemed like an appropriate card for the season.

Happy Holidays everyone.

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