Monday, September 26, 2011

September Project

The dirt path to the deck and front door is gone, replaced by a new walkway Tamra and I built using reclaimed brick. Our original walkway and concrete steps sunk down and destroyed the sewer line - yes, it was a mess......Now I can get back to doing some sketching.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Popsicle in Seattle

This is a newer sculpture located at 4th and Blanchard in downtown Seattle. It's an instant favorite.

The 17-foot steel and apoxy dessert sits on property owned by commercial real estate developer Martin Selig and was created by his artist wife Catherine Mayer.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Eat Less Move More.....

A friend recently told me that losing weight was easy - "Move more, eat less". It seems that LA Fitness wants to help - they took out a grocery store to put in a new gym in our neighborhood.....

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